Wiels | NL

WIELS Art Book Fair 2023

18 03 2023 11:00 19:00
19 03 2023 11:00 18:00

De WIELS Art Book Fair is terug op zaterdag 18 en zondag 19 maart! Ontdek een divers aanbod van kunstboeken, zines en catalogi. Volg boeiende gesprekken en lezingen, en neem deel aan signeersessies en performances. Mis deze kans niet om je onder te dompelen in de wereld van de kunstboeken en ontdek het werk van onafhankelijke kunstuitgevers.

Ontdek hieronder de deelnemende uitgevers en het programma van aanvullende evenementen!




11:30 | Kaspar Müller: Halleluja + Q&A with Roos Gortzak
(screening + talk, EN, 60’)
presented by Vleeshal & BOM DIA BOA TARDE BOA NOITE
Auditorium (-1)

13:00 | Tanja Muravskaja: Tanja’s Gardens
(book launch + guided tour, EN, 45’)
presented by Lugemik
WIELS Project Room (-2, via parking)

14:00 | Jérôme Grivel & Francesca Domenichini: Activité d’atelier - Modèle à conversation
(performance, FR, 60’)
presented by L’L .ditions
Auditorium (-1)

14:00-17:00 | WIELS’ Cookbook
Continuous workshop for kids aged 3-10 years old
KETS Atelier (-1 at entrance)

15:00 | Niels Poiz: Snooze, Booze, You Lose
(performance, EN, 20’)
Auditorium (-1)

16:00 | Flatform: Snaturamenti
(screening and talk, EN/FR, 45’)
presented by AVARIE
Auditorium (-1)

17:00 | Marie Ilse Bourlanges: Mother’s Milk
(reading video performance, EN, 30’) &
Elena Khurtova, Displace (reading video, EN, 30’)
presented by Jap Sam Books
Auditorium (-1)

18:00 | Camille Picquot: Deux trois choses rapportées du présent / FIREFLIES ASSAULT part one
(lecture performance, FR, 60’)
presented by WIELS
Auditorium (-1)

19:00-21:00 | DJ Lengelhair

ZONDAG 19.03

12:00 | Julien Bruneau: Fields
(book launch, EN, 45’)
presented by Varamo Press
Auditorium (-1)

13:00 | Carlo Menon: Critical Editorial Devices / Architecture in the Second Degree
(lecture, EN, 40’)
presented by Accattone
Auditorium (-1)

14:00 | Esther Gatón & Olivier Bertrand: Emil Lime
(book presentation, EN, 45’)
presented by WIELS
Auditorium (-1)

14:00-17:00 | WIELS’ Cookbook
Continuous workshop for kids aged 3-10 years old
KETS Atelier (-1 at entrance)

15:00 | Maya Strobbe: RAMSDAMMER FIGHT CLUB #1: exploring the martial arts instruction manual
(lecture + poster launch, EN, 40’)
presented by RAMSDAM BOOKS
Auditorium (-1)

16:00 | Stefa Govaart & Lydia McGlinchey: My soul/ is consumed with/ longing/ at all times
(performance, EN, 30’)
presented by WIELS
Auditorium (-1)

17:00 | a.pass & Pia Louwerens: In These Circumstances
(lecture, EN, 60’)
presented by a.pass
Auditorium (-1)

