Photo by Alexandra Bertels
By joining the WE Club, you provide WIELS with a crucial support to offer the opportunity to emerging artists to work and live in the heart of the Brussels art scene.
Benefit from an exclusive programme of discoveries at the heart of creativity, based on three axes:
- Interdisciplinary encounters: discovery of contemporary creation in the broadest sense (art, fashion, music, dance, film, architecture, design) by meeting artists and personalities at the cutting edge of creativity
- @WIELS: exclusive visits to the exhibitions, meetings with the curators and artists & of course, visits to the studios of the artists in residence
- International network: cross-border meetings and interactions in partnership with the Museum of Cycladic Art (Athens), Palais de Tokyo (Paris) and Stedelijk Museum (Amsterdam).
Enjoy free entrance to WIELS & our partner institutions with the WE Pass:
- Museum of Cycladic Art (Athens)
- Palais de Tokyo (Paris)
- Stedelijk Museum (Amsterdam)
Contact us for more information
Diane van Impe & Claire Bosteels
+32 496 45 94 21
Discover the WE Club and its activities for 1 year
€300 via WIELS
IBAN: BE34 0014 0021 3790 / BIC: GEBABEBB, communication: WE CLUB
To benefit from the tax deductibility, we ask you to make the transfer in two parts:
- € 250 via King Baudouin Foundation
- IBAN BE10 0000 0000 0404, communication: 018/0850/00096
- € 50 via WIELS
- IBAN BE34 0014 0021 3790 / BIC: GEBABEBB, communication: WE CLUB
Discover the WE Club and its activities with two thanks to the DUO Pass
€450 via WIELS
IBAN: BE34 0014 0021 3790 / BIC: GEBABEBB, communication: WE CLUB
To benefit from the tax deductibility, we ask you to make the transfer in two parts:
- € 350 via King Baudouin Foundation
- IBAN BE10 0000 0000 0404, communication: 018/0850/00096
- € 100 via WIELS
- IBAN BE34 0014 0021 3790 / BIC: GEBABEBB, communication: WE CLUB
Amélie Bataille
Clara Beerepoot
Virginie Bekaert
Giulia Blasig
Augustin Bown
Marie de Brouwer
Henry & Astrid de Boysson – Carbonez
Julie Capiau
Henri de Chassey
Virginie Claeys
Quentin Claeys
Xhenis Coba
Lena Coupez
Marixenia Davilla
Laura De Beir
Ann-Catherine De Bie
Ariane Defrain
Cheyenne Dekeyser
Laurence Demaré
Sophie Derom
Oona Dobbelaere
Alice Dossche
Axel Driegelinck
Joao Duarte
Nina-Marie Dumolin
Mélanie Evra
Claire di Felice
Ana Fota
Joachim Froment
Marie de Ganay
Axel Geerts
David Geeurickx
Alexis Gilson
Frederick Gordts
Erlendas Grigorovic
Edouard Grisay
Quentin & Marie Grosjean – Pochet
Elisa Guarnieri
Joachim Guex
Pauline Haon
Elisabeth Herbert
Sasha Holder
Antony Hudek
Laura Krsmanovic
Martin & Juliette de Laet - Saier
Lien Lannoo
Pierre Lannoy
Johan Larsen
Gwenvael Launay
Cécile de Launoit
Edouard Le Grelle
Oriana Lemmens
Scott Lippens
Leo A. Lopez
Marie Loix
Jean & Marie de Malherbe
Kashy Manjolo
Hélène del Marmol
Pierre de Marnix
Sylvie Maudhuit
Daphné Meeus
Adrien Meira
Alicia Meus
Aurélie Meus
Robert Monchen
Emma Moortgat
Claire Mulders
Kaat Obbels
Emily Overlaet
Lou van 't Riet
Ranji Safarian
Zoé Schreiber
Ruben Alexander Schuster
Damien Scraeyen
Géraldine Scraeyen
Stephan Snoeckx
William Standaert
Charlotte Swenters
Laurent Taevernier
Marie Taevernier
Benjamin & Aurélie Talpe – Penneman de Bosscheyde
Bruno Teirlynck
Marie Van Ackere
Julie Van Com
Lisa Van Com
Lieselot Vandecapelle
Henri Vandekerckhove
Anneleen Van de Meulebroucke
Aurelie Van de Meulebroucke
Olivier Vandenberghe
Stephanie Vandenecker
Arthur Vandeperre
Roel Vandermeeren
Edward Van Houtte
Morgane Van Marcke
Simon Van Oostende
Alix Vanschoubroek
June Van Thillo
Arno Verbeke
Karen Verloo
Frederik Vermeersch
Emmanuel Verraes
Lauren Versnick
Hans Verstrepen
Marie Vervisch
Tom Villé
Alana Voldman
Bruno van de Voorde
Charlotte van der Vorst
Simon Zenner
Charlotte Ziegler