Wiels | EN

Ula Sickle (b. 1978) is a choreographer and performer based in Brussels. She creates performances as well as works at the interface of several disciplines.

She frequently ventures beyond the canon of contemporary dance, introducing elements of street dance, club culture or mass concerts. Her works are the result of a keen observation of the surrounding reality and how our everyday lives are changed by new technologies. Frequently centered around strong performers, Ula searches for forms of choreographic writing, where the cultural coding and political power of ‘popular’ dancing can be revealed or where the musicality and materiality of the body become the central focus. While her work takes many forms, from performances for stage, video, or work for gallery spaces, she focuses on a choreographic approach to movement and a work on perception and reception, specific to the live arts.

Ula Sickle studied at the University of Toronto, Paris 8, PARTS Performing Arts Research and Training Studios and Le Fresnoy. Her work has been presented in many international theaters and venues such as Kaaitheater, KVS and Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Brussels BE; ImPulsTanz and TanzQuartier, Vienna AT; Moving in November Festival, Helsinki FI; Reykjavik Dance festival, Iceland IS; Nowy Teatr, Warsaw PL; B:OM festival, Seoul KR; Zürcher Theater Spektakel, Zurich CH; les Rencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis, Paris FR, among others. In 2017-18 she was artist in residence at the Ujazdowski Centre for Contemporary Art in Warsaw.
