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WIELS Art Book Fair: Sunday programme

08 09 2019 11:00 18:00

WIELS Art Book Fair 2019
Saturday 07.09, 11:00-21:00
Sunday 08.09, 11:00-18:00
Free entrance




12:00 Film screening of Welcome Back, Gordon Matta-Clark, by Yuki Okumura. Presented by MISAKO & ROSEN
In Welcome Back, Gordon Matta-Clark (2017), Okumura (1978-) incorporates memories of Matta-Clark (1943–1978) in his visitation to curator Flor Bex. [EN, 48 mins]

13:00 Short-film Listen to the Voices of the Sea (5') by Kyoko Kasuya, followed by a talk by Sayo Senoo about her experience in Fukushima. Presented by Another Language
This short film is based on the diary of Hachiro Sasaki, a former Japanese student at Tokyo University who became a kamikaze fighter during the Pacific War. The screening is followed by a presentation by Sayo Senoo who will talk about the no-go zone around the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant and her project Air de Fukushima. [EN, 40 mins]

14:00 Presentation of three books by Jonathan Casciani. Presented by Beam Editions
Jonathan Casciani, director of Beam Editions, will present three artists and three books that change the way we see the world. [EN, 45 mins]

15:00 Book launch of Through the Words of Others by Stéphanie Serra with a discussion and a concert by Sunna Margrét. Presented by Motto
The polyphony of voices is the central subject of the book Through the Words of Others and it is put into music by the Icelandic artist-poet Sunna Margrét on the occasion of its launch.
[EN, 45 mins]

16:00 Talk by Marcin Nowicki and Katarzyna Nestorowicz, Does artificial intelligence dream about books? Presented by Noviki
This lecture asks the questions of how to design books in a digital environment and explores what has changed after the appearance of artificial intelligence. [EN, 45 mins]

17:00 Book launch of sorted, resorted by Gabriel Kuri and Zoë Gray. Presented by WIELS
Visit Kuri’s exhibition (on 1st and 2nd floor) and then hear the artist and curator discuss the accompanying book. With readings from texts by Brian Dillon and Cathleen Chaffee and the screening of Alain Resnais’ short film Le chant du styrène (1958). [EN (film in FR), 60 mins]


13:30 Book signing of Borders of Nothingness - On the Mend by Margaret Lansink. Presented by IBASHO ((B4)
A very precious Japanese style hand bound book in 50 copies made by the Dutch photographer for her recent exhibition at IBASHO gallery.

14:00 Book signing of Painting Behind Itself by Melissa Gordon. Presented by de Vleeshal (A1)
Painting Behind Itself is the catalogue of the artist’s exhibition Routine Pleasures at de Vleeshal Center for Contemporary Art, Middelburg. Gordon will also present A Gesture is a Liquid, her new limited edition and large format artist book.


16:00 Book launch & signing of Body of Work by Daniel Dewar & Grégory Gicquel. Published by Koenig Books
Body of Work is a chronological inventory of the sculptures created by the artist duo over the last two decades.

