Wiels | EN

Tonio Kröner

07 11 2017 00:00 01:00

Tonio Kröner’s paintings, sculptures and installations evoke surrealist qualities: shifts in scale, from the realistic to the abstract or exaggerated, wild in combinations of the disparate.


By sampling from given realities, he forces dynamic thought. His practice comprises a visual, mental, and bodily activity that connects the interstices of painting and sculpture, as well as abstract and concrete modes of representation. The body’s status in a « digitalized » space is scrutinized, as is its use as commercial and allegorical images.

For Something Stronger Than Me*, Tonio Kröner used WIELS’ furniture - two meeting room tables and a metal stand - in order to install enigmatic characters: three puppets playing with space around the works of other artists.

Tonio Kröner is a German artist, based in Munich. He was a resident at WIELS in 2014.

Tonio Kröner
in the framework of Something Stronger Than Me*
07.11.2017 - 07.01.2018
