Présentation transAction (Sonsbeek 16): Reza Afisina and Mirwan Andan (EN)
SONSBEEK ’16: transACTION appears from 4 June to 18 September in Park Sonsbeek, Museum Arnhem and in the city of Arnhem. Curator of this eleventh edition is ruangrupa, an art collective from Jakarta, Indonesia. ruangrupa is intimately involved in Indonesian culture, in which community, collectivity and friendship are key. For ruangrupa, contemporary art is about working together and connecting, with individuals and groups. They use artistry to collect stories that emerge from history, the political situation, and urban developments.
Park Sonsbeek hosts installations with lectures, workshops and performances by participating artists throughout the exhibition. Throughout SONSBEEK ’16, Museum Arnhem hosts transHISTORY, a group exhibition by ten artists from around the world providing a different perspective on official, authorised history. Murals, installations and interventions feature at prominent sites in Arnhem’s city centre as part of ruangrupa’s research into residents and the city, providing an impulse to life in public spaces.
In WIELS, Reza Afisina and Mirwan Andan of ruangrupa will present their practice, especially with regard to SONSBEEK 16: transACTION.