Wiels | EN

Look Who's Talking: Tatiana Kochubinska on Kasper Bosmans (EN)

Guided tour
Look Who's Talking
14 08 2022 14:00 14:45

Tatiana Kochubinska (UA) is an independent curator, writer, researcher, and lecturer with main expertise in Ukrainian contemporary art. She has curated the Research Platform of the PinchukArtCentre aimed at creating the digital archive of Ukrainian contemporary art. In her exhibitions she is often interested in questions of responsibility, Soviet history and its relation to today’s society, flashbacking personal memories of the cross-border 1990s.

In recent years, Kochubinska has collaborated with various cultural institutions, designed courses about contemporary art, co-developed curatorial residencies together with Artsvit Gallery (Dnipro, Ukraine), and co-edited a special issue “Euphoria and Fatigue: Ukrainian Art and Society after 2014” upon the invitation of the Obieg magazine. At the moment she is a fellow at ZKM and a part of the curatorial team of the antiwarcoalition.art.

TK photo

© Kostiantyn Polishchuk
