Gabriel Kuri creates sculptures that embody questions of value through dynamic, hybrid and playful forms. His research gravitates around a set of recurrent themes: flows of information, notions of commercial and cultural value, consumerism, as well as material and its poetic (mis)use. Institutional solo exhibitions include Oakville Galleries, Oakville (2018); Altefabrik, Rapperswil, La Suisse (2016); Aspen Art Museum (2014); The Common Guild, Glasgow (2014); Parc Saint Léger, Pougues-les-Eaux (2013); ICA Boston (2011); South London Gallery, Londres (2011); Museion, Bolzano (2010); Kunstverein Freibourg (2010); Kunstverein Bielefeld (2010). Recent group exhibitions include Converter, Kunstmuseum St. Gallen (2018) ; Autorreconstrucción: Detritus, Museo Universitario de Ciencias y Arte, Mexico (2018) ; ISelf Collection: Self-Portrait as the Billy Goat, Whitechapel Gallery, Londres (2017) ; We Are Here: We are Everywhere, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago (2017) ; Living Apart Together: Recent Acquisitions, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles (2017) ; Desert X, Coachella Valley (2017) ; L’esprit du Bauhaus, Musée Les Arts Décoratifs, Paris (2016) ; The Natural Order of Things, Fundación JUMEX, Mexico (2016) ; The Corner Show, Extra City Kunsthal, Anvers (2015) ; Beaufort Beyond Borders, Beaufort Triennial (2015) ; Made in L.A. 2014, The Hammer Museum, Los Angeles (2014) ; Between Critique and Absorption: Contemporary Art and Consumer Culture, Haggerty Museum of Art, Milwaukee (2014) ; ILLUMinations, La Biennale di Venezia - 54th International Art Exhibition, Central Pavilion, Giardini, Venise (2011), among others. Kuri’s work was included in the inaugural exhibition of WIELS in 2007 titled Expats & Clandestines.
06.11.2019, 19:00
Included in the entrance ticket
In English
Upon reservation (FULL)