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Book/journal launch: (SIC), livre VI Dieter Lesage, Art, Research and Politics (EN)

17 12 2014 19:00 20:00

(SIC) is glad to announce the publication of “Livre VI” of its eponymous journal which takes the form of a book by Dutch-speaking Belgian philosopher Dieter Lesage, (director of RITS | School of Arts).

De la revue SIC livre VI Dieter Lesage Art Research and Politics

Art, Research and Politics. Essays in Curatorial Criticism (1999-2014) spans fifteen years of Lesage's critical interventions in the field of art, politics, and culture, analyzing and unraveling curatorial rhetorics and strategies which during that period marked the so-called art world. At the occasion of the book/journal launch, curator and critic Pieter Van Bogaert will talk with Dieter Lesage and German artist Ina Wudtke, who contributed a visual essay to the book. Together, Lesage and Wudtke will perform Lesage's text 'A Portrait of the Artist as a Worker.'

17.12.2014, 19:00
In English
