Wiels | EN

Is Art a Lie?

27 10 2009 00:00 01:00

For its 30th birthday, the SOFAM (Société des Auteurs dans le domaine des Arts visuels) organizes a colloquium and a party at Wiels on the theme of appropriation.


2pm : Is Art a Lie?
Colloquium (NL/FR with simultaneous translation)

Original artwork, ready-made, borrowing, plagiarism, compilation, appropriation, mystification, speculation - where are the limits between the protection of the artwork, signauture, the market logic, copyright and artistic freedom?

With : Albert Baronian (gallery), Mireille Buydens, (lawyer & philosopher), Michel François (artist), Pierre Hebbelinck (architect), Pierre Sterckx (art critic & historian), Narcisse Tordoir (artist), Philippe Van Cauteren (artistic director, S.MA.K., Gent)

Moderator: Alain Berenboom (lawyer and writer)

18h00 : Aperitif

19h00 : Le concert invisible (performance) + max frank

20h00 : Buffet & drinks

21h00 : DJ Lounge Bastard

Free access to the exhibition Serendipity by Ann Veronica Janssens between 12 & 2pm
