Wiels | EN

How would I know: video letters from Lebanon and beyond, curated by Pieter Van Bogaert

05 03 2014 00:00 01:00

The letter, a medium of all ages, continues to renew itself. Akram Zaatari seeks to give it a new form, just like the artists in this programme.

How would I know lettres vidéo du Liban et au delà sélectionnées par Pieter Van Bogaert

How would I know collects filmed letters that make the transition from the electronic to the digital age, from the video to the smartphone with – another thing they have in common with Zaatari – digressions into analog media such as vinyl, slide or audio cassette. How would I know dwells on the medium, the apparatus of the letter. But it also looks for correspondences between here and elsewhere in the work of Jean-Luc Godard, Mona Hatoum, Rabih Mroué, Jayce Salloum, Els Opsomer and Mohamed Bourouissa.

Jean-Luc Godard – Lettre à Freddy Buache, France, 1982, 11’

Mona Hatoum – Measures of Distance, UK, 1988, 16’

Rabih Mroué – Face A/Face B, Lebanon, 2002, 10’

Jayce Salloum – untitled 3b: (as if) beauty never ends, Lebanon/Canada, 2002, 12'

Els Opsomer – _imovie[1]_: the agony of silence, Belgium, 2003, 12’

Mohamed Bourouissa – Temps Mort, France, 2009, 18’

Duration, including introduction: 2 hours
05.03.2014, 19:00
5 €
