Austrian artist Franz Zar concludes his residency at WIELS with an installation that engages the exhibition space as a whole. The individual works are deliberately conceived on the threshold of painting and object, frame and surface.
Twenty panels, spread across the walls and pillars, are punctuated at the borders by images that may appear alike. Parallel to the viewer’s attention, variations gradually arise to define the work. Deciding on details, according to Zar, lies at the heart of the artistic process, as well as working in series and repeating actions, in order to develop "skills".
The presentation draws its inspiration from the history of collecting art and the creation of a specific context for art through institutions such as the museum. The collected objects on view produce knowledge by providing the possibility to compare them. The act of comparison enables us to recognize quality, thereby allowing the viewer to make its own decisions of what is "better".
Franz Zar was born in 1980 in Vienna, where he lives and works. Having graduated from the University of Applied Arts Vienna in 2006 (Profs. Bernhard Leitner and Ernst Strouhal), he obtained his second master’s degree at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna in 2011 (Prof. Heimo Zobernig).
Project Room
05.12 – 20.12.2015
Wed - Sunday, 14:00 - 18:00
Opening 04.12.2015, 18:00 - 21:00
Kindly supported by the Austrian Cultural Forum Brussels