Wiels | EN


26 05 2016 10:30 19:30

This exhibition will show artistic works that have been done by 2 different groups of adults in literacy during a year:

Balade en tap-tap: accompanied by the artist Katherine Longly, learners of Centre Alpha St-Gilles Lire & Écrire concentrated on the theme of urban mobility. Favoring knowledge sharing and transmission, they questioned the mobility here and in their home country.

Opening and engraving workshop: Thursday, May 26 at 10h30

L’oeil de Sarah: fifteen women of la Maison de Quartier Saint Anthony took part in a weekly workshop in WIELS with artist Catherine Evrard.

Together they made a picture book. The script was built by the group themself. This is the story of a fictional heroine named Sarah, and her funny and poetic adventures in the heart of St-Antoine district. The characters and atmosphere change over the pages, as the participants are introduced to different kinds of techniques: drawing, engraving, ink or adhesive. The result is a book, illustrating the concerns, dreams and aspirations that the women have for their neighborhood.

The collaboration WIELS / Maison du quartier St-Antoine is the opportunity of rich exchanges and discoveries but also a moment to meet others and oneself.

Opening and open workshop: Friday, May 27 at 10h30

The exhibition will be presented in the Project Room of WIELS. This is part of the event Parcours d’artistes de Saint-Gilles/Forest. www.parcoursdartistes.be
