For Joëlle Tuerlinckx, sound and image have the same value as the other materials she employs. Her voluminous body of audiovisual works is a system – made of taxonomies, categories, compilations and themes – in perpetual evolution: an ever-expanding rhizomic structure. Her films are not structured around a narrative, nor do they rely on linear montage or the dialectic of ideas; rather, they follow situations, not as an objective entity, but as a ‘void’ or series of juxtapositions that are gathered under the form of non-hierarchical relations and constellations. Focusing on various excerpts from some of Joëlle Tuerlinckx’s categories, Paul Willemsen’s talk will bring into relief such aspects of her work as the frame, the density of reality and the relationship to the image. The discussion will also draw on some examples from the filmic tradition, which stretches from Georges Mélies to Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger all the way to Jean-Luc Godard, in which figures disappear from the film frame as if they had literally been absorbed into the image.
13.12.2012, 7pm
5 €