Wiels | EN

Cine-Club for kids

Family & kets
29 05 2016 10:30 16:30

Every last SUNDAY of the month from 10:30 the cine-club presents, to children between 5 and 10 years old, to come and discover non commercial animated films.

This will be the last cine-club for this season. A filmworkshop is organized after the screening with Sandra Verkaart.


My strange grandfather

Dina Velikovskayan, Russia, 2013, silent, 6’

This short film tells a story of a young girl and his grandfather zinzin, a distracted inventor who spends his days collecting litter that he finds on a beach in Russia.


Thomas G. Murphy, BE +UK, 2013, silent, 6’

The young Water Haggis meets a super frog and makes an unexpected friend. His universe finds himself upside down, reminding us that sometimes we have to think differently to be able to solve a problem.

Pirates de caniveau

Christina Schindler, D, 1993, silent, 10’

A young girl makes a boat out of paper and puts it in a gutter hoping it goes in the sea. As it starts raining, she runs back home. The small boat and its passengers - three small gutter pirates – go on an adventure.


Julien Bocabeille, François-Xavier Chanioux, Olivier Delabarre, Thierry Marchand, Quentin Marmier & Emud Mokhber, FR, 2008, silent, 3'

To escape the claws of a committed cook, two octopuses engage in a burlesque chase. The movie tells a love story of two octopuses and the obstacles they have to overcome to be together.


Michael Zamjatnins, D, 2008, silent, 8’

By accident a little girl flushes her goldfish down the toilet. She bravely embarks on an adventure to try to save him. She ends up discovering a kind being who lives in the underground pipes.
