Wiels | EN

Artist talk: Noor Abed (EN)

10 10 2024 19:00 20:30

On the occasion of vernissage of Noor Abed’s A Night We Held Between, the artist and curator Shayma Nader unpack mythological, narrative and political strands of the film. The conversation starts with the screening of the film.

WIELS Auditorium
In English
Free upon registration


Noor Abed (b. 1988, PS) works at the intersection of performance and film. Abed attended the Whitney Independent Study Program in Νew York in 2015-16, and the Home Workspace Program (HWP) at Ashkal Alwan, Beirut 2016-17. Abed’s work has been screened and exhibited internationally at Anthology Film Archives, New York; Gabes Cinema Fen Film Festival, Tunisia; Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival, Lagos Biennale; Ikon Gallery, Birmingham; Ujazdowski Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw; and the Eye Film Museum, Amsterdam, among others. In 2020, together with Lara Khaldi she co-founded the School of Intrusions, an independent educational collective in Ramallah, Palestine. Abed was an assistant curator for documenta 15, Kassel 2021-22, and an artist in residence at the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam 2022-24

Shayma Nader (b. PS) is an artist, curator and researcher from Palestine. Her research looks into anticolonial, antidisciplinary and land-centered imaginaries and practices. She is currently a PhD candidate in artistic research at ARIA at Sint Lucas School of Arts (KdG) and University of Antwerp.
