Located near the old city centre of Brussels, AFFILIATE is a space where alumni of the international WIELS Residency Programme present their work. Connected to their residency, AFFILIATE allows presentations of the work created at WIELS, as well as other formats and events in dialogue with the city.
Open: Thursday > Saturday, 14:00-18:00
Address: Rue du Jardin des Olives 3 Olivetenhof, 1000 Brussels

Raquel Echevarria

Jackie Karuti - Model II: construction

Agatha Wara: That awful hole

Natasja Mabesoone: Predella's cut

Laivi Suurväli: Infinite Present

Emma Verhulst: I Sell Soap

Maxime Le Bon: ZILCH

Michaela Schweighofer: Forced Perspective

Mostafa Saifi Rahmouni: The Only Way